Entdecken Sie jetzt Tausende von Status aus der Video- und Bildersammlung
Welcome To all new Latest Status Saver having largest collection of Status and make friends by sharing the status to the world . You can post your own videos , photos and quotes on Latest Status Saver and best part is you can explore status from 100+ categories . we have text , images and videos status combined , you can comment the way you want , either by tapping emoji of Happy , Angry , Like and Super like . Also you can comment on any status . nnThis application allows you to download photos and videos from the friends status from Whatsapp , so this app will help you to explore all type of status like Text , Photos and videos .nnBest status application for your social media applications contain the latest status message which can be used for expressing feelings with text status option on social media.nnThis Application Provides User all New And Latest Status.nUser can share status and set status with this application.nnThis application covered almost all import status message categories likenAnniversary, Birthday,Break Up,Christmas,Crazy,Daring,Decent,Fb Status,Good Luck,Good night,Hello,Insult,Life,Love,Motivational,Naughty,New Year,Nice,Relationships,Sad,Status for WhatsApp,nnWe have added collection of New Status , Explore now.